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Emergency User

A temporary user to help you log in to your WordPress site.

Tomohyco Tsunoda avatar
Written by Tomohyco Tsunoda
Updated over a week ago

What is an Emergency User?

An emergency user is a temporary user that holds an administrator role and can enable the WordPress login by enabling debug mode for WordPress. Emergency users help if you cannot log in with your current username and password.
Team members may also create an emergency user. 


This feature will solve the following issues:

  • Lost username, password or email address.

  • Cannot reset a password with email because a wrong email address has been set.

  • Cannot log in after migration.

  • Locked out from the WordPress dashboard. 


How to use

1.  Navigate to [Dev] menu of your site to launch.

2. Scroll down to the [Emergency Actions] section, then click [Start container as emergency user].


3. Copy username and password, and use them to login to WordPress.

If you missed copying the temporary account information, stop WordPress and re-launch it to get a new one.

That's all!

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