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Configuring ALIAS record on MuuMuu Domain
Configuring ALIAS record on MuuMuu Domain
Tomohyco Tsunoda avatar
Written by Tomohyco Tsunoda
Updated over a week ago

Before setting up

Some DNS Providers support ALIAS records. Here is a list in our documents for that. If you had registered an APEX domain -- or root domain/naked domain -- (a domain without www, blog or other prefix) for Shifter, you can also input or select the value of CDN raw Hostname (e.g. ), which is provided on Shifter's Dashboard.

This article describes two samples for setting up ALIAS records on MuuMuu Domain.

The CloudFront Domain is provided on the Overview page of your site.
Before accessing your DNS Provider, copy the value of the CloudFront Domain ( in this case it is, and paste into a notepad, Evernote, or your favorite stickies.

Let's get started:

Setting up a MuuMuu Domain

Note: This DNS provider requires using its Custom DNS server. You should use it for your domain. For more details, please check out this document.

1. Login to the ControlPanel

2. Click [ムームーDNS] 


3. Search and select your domain


4. Click on the pulldown menu under [種別] menu.


5. Choose [ALIAS]

6. Input your raw CDN Raw Hostname in the field of [内容]. Then click [セットアップ情報変更].

For this example, the inputted value is , as a sample.


7. Click [OK]


8. Make sure [種別] is ALIAS, and [内容] is your CDN Raw Hostname (  for this sample).

That's all!

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