About the article
This article is a dedicated branch of "Custom Domains on Shifter" for GoDaddy's DNS server. Before following the instructions, you'll need to follow "Custom Domains on Shifter" to register your domain name to Shifter and get domain verification records.
Sample domain and DNS records
Note: The sample records below are different from your real records, so replace them with your records or values.
Sample Domain:
Sample Shifter Domains:
Sample Validation Records:
For example.com
Name: _abcde.example.com
Value: _01234.acm-validations.aws.
For www.example.com
Name: _hijkl.www.example.com
Value: _56789.acm-validations.aws.
Register domain names and verify them
Refer Custom Domains on Shifter for more details
Setting up DNS records on GoDaddy
1. Login to Control Panel
2. Click [DNS] of the domain name you want to edit.
We use the sample domain example.com
on this document.
3. Click [ADD] button in the Records section to add DNS records
Make sure DNS is set to GoDaddy provided DNS servers
4. Add validation records
Add validation record set for example.com
Type: Choose CNAME
Host: Input _abcde.
Points to: Input _01234.acm-validations.aws.
TTL: Choose 1/2 Hour
Then hit [Save] button to save changes.
Add validation record set for www.example.com
Click [ADD] button again, then select/input the following:
Type: Choose CNAME
Host: Input _hijkl.www.
Points to: Input _56789.acm-validations.aws.
TTL: Choose 1/2 Hour
Then hit [Save] button to save changes.
5. Confirm added records
5. Add ALIAS and CNAME
After domain verification is complete, let's set up ALIAS and CNAME records for your domain name.
Click [ADD] button under Records section to add DNS records
For www.example.com (with www-subdomain)
Click [ADD] button, then select/input the following:
Type: Choose CNAME
Host: Input www.
Points to: Input abc123.on.getshifter.io.
TTL: Choose 1/2 Hour
7. Save changes
Click [Save] button
Domain forwarding
GoDaddy's DNS doesn't support ALIAS record naked or zone apex domain. You may need to set Domain Forwarding to www-prefix or other domains.
1. Scroll down to [Forwarding] section then click [ADD] button.
2. Input your domain name with assigned domain (e.g. www.example.com or blog.example.com ) into the [FORWARD TO] field.
Check [Update my nameservers and DNS settings to support this change] if necessary.
3. Click [Preview] to check that it works
4. If it works, click [Save]
5. Confirm all record sets
6. Access your domain name and check that domain forwarding works.
That's all!
If [Update my nameservers and DNS settings to support this change] is checked, Forwarded or will be displayed in the value field.
That's all!