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Activate JSON REST API (WP-API) after logging in WordPress dashboard as an emergency user.

Tomohyco Tsunoda avatar
Written by Tomohyco Tsunoda
Updated over 5 years ago

Accessing WordPress is refused. Please check if JSON REST API is enabled on your site


Shifter could not connect WordPress through JSON REST API (WP-API) due to JSON REST API (WP-API) is disabled, or theme/plugins prevent this API connection.

Passwordless login and generator are only available while Shifter can connect your site through this JSON REST API (WP-API).


Enable JSON REST API (WP-API) after login WordPress dashboard.
Log-in with your WordPress username and password, or log-in in as an emergency user, or update your themes or plugins to make Shifter can connect through this API encumbered.

To login as an emergency user, kindly read our support document: Emergency user

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